Award-Winning Romance Author
Tracy Brody
My Heroes Wear Combat Boots

With J.D. Robb (Nora Roberts) at RWA 2015 after winning the Golden Heart in Romantic Suspense.
Tracy Brody lives in North Carolina where she and her husband are now empty nesters. She has a daughter, a son, and daughter-in-love.
She has a background in banking, retired to become a domestic engineer, and aims to supplement her husband's retirement using her overactive imagination. Tracy began writing spec movie and TV scripts, however, when two friends gave her the same feedback on a script, saying that they’d love to see it as a book, she didn’t need to be hit over the head with a literal 2" x 4" to get the message. She joined RWA and developed her craft and learned how to use commas correctly - most of the time. She has a sense of humor and is not afraid to use it. When not on a writing retreat with friends, she enjoys walking in her neighborhood, the park, or especially at the beach talking to herself as she plots books and scenes.
Tracy has written a series of single-title romances featuring the Bad Karma Special Ops team whose love lives are as dangerous as their missions. A SHOT WORTH TAKING and IN THE WRONG SIGHTS won the Golden Heart for romantic suspense in 2015 and 2016. DEADLY AIM was a four-time finalist in the Golden Heart. She is now writing the Faking It romantic comedy series and having a blast using her sense of humor